END Posters

Mainly for Southern California
English Poster 1 - English 1
English Poster 2 - English 2
English Poster 3 - English 3
English Poster 4 - English 4
English Poster 5 - English 5
Spanish Poster 1 - Spanish 1
Spanish Poster 3 - Spanish 3
Spanish Poster 5 - Spanish 5
For Northern California
English Poster 6 - English 6
There are five posters, mainly for Southern California and one for Northen California.

First those for Southern California contain five posters, in English and 3 in Spanish, all in DOC format. They have been translated and checked. Due to the size of the headline, a couple of those in English do not fit in the available space when translated. While the body remains the same in all of them, only the headlines change.

The posters in English were made for us by a member of the END-birds list and while he wishes to remain anonymous, we want to express our thanks. Do NOT contact us if you don't like the posters, no one is forcing you to use any of them. We do not censor on this site and will not do so.

English Body:

Up to a $25,000 fine

Exotic Newcastle Disease (END) is present in Southern California and killing many birds. This deadly disease is spread mainly by the movement of animals from infected premises. Birds which look healthy can still be harboring the disease. To help prevent the spread of END, please do not take your birds off your property. If your premise is placed under quarantine by the CDFA/USDA END task force you face up to a $25,000 fine if you move your birds.

For more information on this deadly disease call the CDFA toll free hotline at 1(800) 491-1899 http://www.cdfa.ca.gov/ahfss/ah/Newcastle_info.

English Headlines:
#1 - English - Don't take your cocks out
#2 - English - Our Birds are DYING!
#3 - English - Don't Expose Your Cock!
#4 - English - Over 3 Million Birds Dead!
#5 - English - Over 3 Million Dead in CA!

Spanish Body:

Hasta un $25,000 fino

La Enfermedad (END) exótica de Newcastle es presente en California y la matanza Sureñas muchos pájaros. Esta enfermedad mortal es esparcida principalmente por el movimiento de animales del local infectado. Los pájaros que miran saludable pueden estar abrigando todavía la enfermedad. Para ayudar previene la extensión del END, por favor no toma sus pájaros de su propiedad. Si su propriedad es colocada bajo la cuarentena por el CDFA/USDA que usted encara hasta un $25,000 fino si usted mueve sus pájaros.

Para más información en esta enfermedad mortal llama el CDFA la línea directa sin cargo en 1(800) 491-1899 http://www.cdfa.ca.gov/ahfss/ah/Newcastle_info.htm

Spanish Headlines:
#1 - Spanish - ¡ No tome sus gallos fuera!
#3 - Spanish - ¡No Exponga Su Gallo!
#5 - Spanish - ¡3 millones Muerto!

Please NOTE that cock translates into Spanish as ROOSTER, i.e. gallo.

Next, for Northern California, the poster reads (in entirety) as follows:

Over 3 Million Birds DEAD!

Exotic Newcastle Disease (END) is present in Southern California and killing many birds. AND NORTHERN CALIFORNIA is at risk since this deadly disease is spread mainly by the movement of animals from infected premises.

Birds which look healthy can still be harboring the disease. To help prevent the spread of END, please do not take your birds off your property. If your premise is placed under quarantine by the CDFA/USDA END task force you face up to a $25,000 fine if you move your birds.

For more information on this deadly disease call the CDFA toll free hotline at

Ruger Design

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