California Farm Bureau Federation

The outbreak of Exotic Newcastle Disease in California has a potentially drastic effect on California poultry farming. Some of the reports we have listed here have been from the pages of CFBF. There are more and more updates coming from that site and with respect to our time and their hard work, we would like to refer you to their site for current and up to the minute reports.
Please check their site frequently since, at present, there have been daily reports issued. We do not feel that their reports will magically disappear as some others have done.
We will NO longer be covering their daily reports in our Roving Reporter section.
Search CFBF
Simply enter newcastle in the search bar and then click GO. A list will be returned to you and you can read the reports that interest you. The results are not in any specific date order and in our opinion, some of these reports are extremely important!
See particularly --- CFBF Ag Alert --- October 16, 2002

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