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Archive Number 20030127.0246
Published Date 27-JAN-2003
Subject PRO/AH/EDR> Newcastle disease, game fowl, poultry - USA (CA, NV)

A ProMED-mail
ProMED-mail, a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases

Date: 27 Jan 2003
From: Thomas E Walton <>
Source: Official APHIS update [edited]

Subject: Emergency Management Warning 28: Exotic Newcastle Disease Confirmed
in the United States

Exotic Newcastle disease (END) was confirmed on 1 Oct 2002, in the State of
California, and has now spread beyond backyard flocks to affect 6 commercial
operations in California.  On 16 Jan 2003, END was also confirmed in a
backyard flock in the State of Nevada.  Clinical signs in infected birds
include respiratory, nervous, and gastrointestinal signs.  Mortality is up
to 90 percent of exposed birds. Investigations are on-going and all figures
are pending final validation.  Veterinary Services is working rapidly to
expand staff on the Task Force in the States of California and Nevada and is
exploring all options to send Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
(APHIS) personnel, other federal government personnel, and is working with
the States to consider additional resources to meet the labor demands.

Nevada Situation (as of 5:00 p.m. PST, 26 Jan 2003)
END has been confirmed in a backyard flock in Las Vegas, NV.  Federal and
State quarantines have been established for all of Clark County and a
portion of Nye County, NV.  APHIS has also declared an extraordinary
emergency.  APHIS and the State of Nevada have begun surveillance efforts of
the backyard population and have established a Task Force in Nevada.

Number of premises positive:   6 (up 3 percent from 1/24 report)
Number of contact premises: 44 (up 22 from 1/24 report)
Number of premises released:   0 (no change from 1/24 report)
[The 1/24 report was delayed by the Internet virus strike, and has been
superseded by this one. - Mod.JW]

Number of premises depopulated: 31
Premises waiting to be depopulated: 19
Birds depopulated to date:  649

Counties with positive flocks:  Clark

California Situation (as of 5:00 p.m. PST, 26 Jan 2003)
Officials with the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) and
APHIS continue to work closely on efforts to control the END outbreak in
Southern California.  USDA has instituted a federal quarantine zone that
serves as a buffer around the END-affected area in Southern California.  The
department has also declared an extraordinary emergency  to provide
additional resources and authorities to the eradication campaign for END in
Southern California.

Number of premises positive: 417 (up 18 from 1/24 report)
Number of contact premises: 990 (up 84 from 1/24 report)
Number of premises released:   15 (up 7 from 1/24 report)
[The 1/24 report was delayed by the Internet virus strike, and has been
superseded by this one. - Mod.JW]

Number of premises depopulated: 1154
Premises waiting to be depopulated:    268
Birds depopulated to date:  1 483 755

Counties with positive flocks: Los Angeles, Riverside, San Bernardino, San
Diego, Ventura

Operational Update

Of the 50 premises in Nevada designated for depopulation, 62.0 percent have
been completed.

Of the 1422 premises in California designated for depopulation, 81.2 percent
have been completed.

Effective 7 Jan 2003, APHIS imposed a federal quarantine that regulates the
interstate movement of all species of birds and poultry products from
Imperial, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, Santa
Barbara, and Ventura Counties, CA.

Effective 17 Jan 2003, APHIS imposed a federal quarantine that regulates the
interstate movement of all species of birds and poultry products from Clark
County and a portion of Nye County, NV.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has declared an extraordinary
emergency for the States of California and Nevada.  These declarations allow
USDA to apply federal authority within California and Nevada.

Task Force personnel are conducting a door-to-door campaign to identify
affected premises.  Epidemiological investigations are ongoing. Entities
that sell birds continue to be monitored in affected areas.  If a flock
tests positive, officials will quarantine the premises immediately and order
the destruction of the flock as soon as it is logistically possible.

Once affected premises are identified and birds humanely depopulated,
affected areas are being thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.  Landfills,
composting, and rendering are being used for safe disposal of affected birds
and materials.

Task Force personnel, in close collaboration with the California State
Highway Patrol, are exploring the possibility of establishing inspection
stations on Interstate 5.  Personnel are also discussing border control and
voluntary compliance issues.

CDFA, Division of Fairs and Expositions has issued an official
recommendation that the California Fairs Boards adopt a local policy to
suspend all poultry shows for the 2003 fairs season.

Outreach Activities
Task Force personnel conducted a public meeting in Riverside County, CA,
that was facilitated by local city officials. Approximately 100 local
residents attended.  In connection with program activities in Riverside
County, information personnel held a briefing for Congressman Ken Calvert.
According to field representatives, the Congressman fully supports END
program activities.

Task Force public relations personnel are in close contact with various city
officials and regularly distribute information on Task Force activities in
affected communities.  Recent additions to the public relations staff have
provided an opportunity to work in direct contact with officials in
high-risk cities.

Task Force personnel are working to prepare information and outreach
materials concerning quarantine enforcement.  Public relations staff is
working with representatives of California's Department of Transportation
and the California State Highway Patrol.

The following link is to the State of California's END website.

The following link is to the State of Nevada's END website.

The following link is to APHIS' END website.

Please forward this information to your federal, State, and industry
counterparts as necessary.

If you have any questions about this situation, please feel free to call
USDA, APHIS, VS, Emergency Programs at
301-734-8073, or
e-mail at <EMOC@APHIS.USDA.GOV>.

Emergency Management Issue is for information with no impact on APHIS
Emergency Management Notice is an ongoing incident with potential impact on
Emergency Management Warning is an ongoing incident with almost certain
impact on APHIS

Thomas E Walton

[USDA indicates that the number of infected premises is continually
changing, as is the number of birds depopulated. It is expected that
official figures may not agree with figures indicated by many popular news
agencies. However, approximately 9 million commercial birds of California's
12 million birds are within the quarantine zone. Depopulation to control the
disease continues. - Mod.TG]

[see also:
Newcastle disease, game birds - USA (NV) (02) 20030126.0237
Newcastle disease, game birds - USA (NV)      20030117.0138
Newcastle disease, game birds, poultry - USA (CA) (05) 20030117.0145
Newcastle disease, game birds, poultry - USA (CA)(04) 20030116.0129
Newcastle disease, game birds, poultry - USA (CA)(03) 20030108.0060
Newcastle disease, game birds, poultry - USA (CA) (02) 20030104.0021
Newcastle disease, game birds, poultry - USA (CA)      20030103.0014
Newcastle disease, game birds, poultry - USA (CA)      20021228.6147
Newcastle disease, game birds - USA (CA) (11) 20021221.6104
Newcastle disease, game birds - USA (CA) (10) 20021216.6077
Newcastle disease, game birds - USA (CA) (09) 20021208.6014
Newcastle disease, game birds - USA (CA) (08) 20021203.5958
Newcastle disease, game birds - USA (CA) (07) 20021125.5893
Newcastle disease, game birds - USA (CA) (06) 20021112.5780
Newcastle disease, game birds - USA (CA) (05) 20021101.5689
Newcastle disease, game birds - USA (CA) (04) 20021026.5646
Newcastle disease, game birds - USA (CA) (03) 20021019.5603
Newcastle disease, game birds - USA (CA) (02) 20021012.5533
Newcastle disease, game birds - USA (TX): warning      20021006.5482
Newcastle disease, game birds - USA (CA): OIE      20021004.5468]

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